安立院は元応2年(1320)以前に本門寺第2世 日朗聖人の直弟子日澄聖人により開創され、もとは本門寺裏門の前にあり上之坊と称していました。
後に上之坊は荒廃してしまいますが、元治元年(1864)本門寺第54世 日英聖人により再建され、隣接の自證坊を江戸期に合併したと伝えられます。
This temple was founded sometime before 1320.
The second Chief Abbot of Honmonji Temple, Nichiro Shonin’s disciple, Nitcho Shonin founded the temple.
Originally, it was located in front of the back gate of Honmonji Temple, and it was called Uenobo. When Ikegami Munenaka, a wealthy feudal lord donated his house and built Daibo Hongyoji Temple, Nitcho Shonin was invited and became a founder of Daibo Hongyoji Temple.
Nitcho Shonin turned over Uenobo to his disciple Nichion Shonin.
Later, the temple was ruined, but it was rebuilt by the 54th Chief Abbot of Honmonji Temple, Nichiei Shonin. It is said that Anryuin Temple merged with the neighboring temple, Jishobo, in the Edo period.